Meghan Markle's mouthpiece Omid Scobie humiliated as his business haemorrhages cash

Omid Scobie saw his business capital plunge as reported in the latest fillings for his publishing business, YouMe.

Omid Scobie speaking

Omid Scobie's latest fillings for his business do not look good (Image: BBC Newsnight)

's 'mouthpiece'  has as latest filed accounts reveal his publishing business's capital has plummeted.

The latest accounts filed for the royal biographer's business MeYou report that it acquired just £359 in capital and reserves for the year ending June 30, 2023. This is quite a downgrade from the previous year when the company held £35,399 in capital and reserves.

Mr Scobie's work is often thrust into the spotlight as it is known for focusing on the Royal Family and for with Meghan Markle and .

While the author has previously insisted that , he's previously spoken about his close relationship with them, with many referring to him as Meghan's 'mouthpiece'.

His latest book, Endgame - released last year - sent shockwaves worldwide with its various claims about the royals.


Endgame unleashed a series of bombshell claims against the royals (Image: Getty)
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It controversially made claims about the royal race row, while it also touched down on various aspects of the Firm's life behind closed doors.

That included Prince William and Prince Harry's relationship, Princess Kate and Meghan's 'rivalry' and even King Charles's bedtime routine.

While the author denied the Sussexes had helped him with Endgame, they are known to have provided insight for the first book he co-wrote in 2020, Finding Freedom. Last year, he told The Standard: "There's enough people around them and in their orbit who know the ins and outs of things.

"If there's ever been a private encounter with Meghan, I've spoken about it".

Meghan Markle posing

Omid Scobie is said to be close to Meghan Markle (Image: Getty)

Mr Scobie announced earlier this year titled Royal Spin.

The book, which Mr Scobie will co-write with US young adult fiction author Robin Benway, will follow a "young American woman who leaves a press role at the White House for one at Buckingham Palace".

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