Sarah Everard: Met Police officer murder suspect rushed to hospital with head injury

THE Met Police officer arrested on suspicion of the murder of Sarah Everard was rushed to hospital with a serious head injury.

By Sam Stevenson, Assistant Editor, Politics

Sarah Everard: Search finds 'human remains’ says Cressida Dick

His wound was sustained in custody, the Met confirmed. The man, who is in his 40s, has since been returned to the police station. The Met said: "The suspect was taken to a hospital for treatment to a head injury sustained while in custody.

"He has since been discharged and returned to custody.

"We are not prepared to discuss further."

Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick said on Wednesday night that human remains – which have not yet been identified – had been found in an area of woodland in Ashford, in Kent, by detectives investigating Ms Everard's disappearance.

Scotland Yard said the suspect was treated, discharged and returned to the police station where he is being held.

He was found collapsed and unconscious in his cell on Thursday after suffering serious head wounds, according to the Sun.

READ MORE: Sarah Everard: Green party peer calls on 6pm curfew for all men

Sarah Everard news: Met Police officer murder suspect rushed to hospital

Sarah Everard news: Met Police officer murder suspect rushed to hospital (Image: NC)

Sarah Everard: missing posters

Sarah Everard: missing posters were put up around the area the woman disappeared in south London (Image: GETTY)

The family of Sarah Everard have described her as a “shining example” who was “kind and strong” as they appealed for anyone with information to help detectives.

While formal identification awaits, in a statement today, the family said: “Our beautiful daughter Sarah was taken from us and we are appealing for any information that will help to solve this terrible crime.

“Sarah was bright and beautiful - a wonderful daughter and sister. She was kind and thoughtful, caring and dependable. She always put others first and had the most amazing sense of humour.

“She was strong and principled and a shining example to us all. We are very proud of her and she brought so much joy to our lives.

“We would like to thank our friends and family for all their support during this awful time and we would especially like to thank Sarah’s friends who are working tirelessly to help.

“We are so grateful to the police and would like to thank them for all they are doing. We are now pleading for additional help from the public.

“Please come forward and speak to the police if you have any information. No piece of information is too insignificant. Thank you.”

Sarah Everard: Police searching for the 33-year-old

Sarah Everard: Police searching for the 33-year-old (Image: GETTY)

The disappearance of the 33-year-old woman has sparked a nationwide debate on women's safety.

Women across the UK have been speaking out, sharing their fears and frustrations on social media – and there are calls for the law to be strengthened to better protect women. 

Labour MP Stella Creasy has made an appeal for the Domestic Abuse Bill to be changed to make misogyny a hate crime. 

She said on Twitter: "Today so many women have shared stories of harassment and abuse. Let's make sure tomorrow this changes – please share this and help win the vote on Monday for Amendment 87B to the Domestic Abuse Bill to make the police properly record misogynistic crimes."

Sky News journalist Kate McCann also issued a heartfelt plea on Twitter in a thread that has been liked more than 100,000 times. 

She said: "What happened to Sarah Everard has hit home hard for so many women because we make the calculations she did every day too.

"We take the longer, better-lit route, push the fear aside for the voice that says ‘don't be daft, you've every right to walk home alone at night and be safe’."

She added: "You’re a grown woman and in no other area of your life do you feel so vulnerable.

"You resent it even though you understand there is a risk - however small. It is frustrating and tiring and constant. And yet sometimes, despite all those calculations, it still isn’t enough."

What has happened to Sarah Everard? Latest after human remains found [INSIGHT]
Reclaim These Streets: When is it? How to support Sarah Everard vigil? [TRIBUTES]
Are women safe walking alone in London? Sarah Everard case debate [DEBATE]

Sarah Everard: Met officer arrested on suspicion of murder

The arrest of a serving police officer has also prompted anger among the Met's most senior ranks, with Commissioner Dick yesterday voicing frustrations in a televised press conference. 

Commenting on the backlash over the police officer's arrest, chair of the National Police Chiefs' Council Martin Hewitt said: "Police officers join to keep people safe, so news that a serving police officer has been arrested on suspicion of murder has sent shock, anger and sadness across policing.

"All our thoughts are with Sarah Everard's family and friends at this terrible time."

Tributes and messages of support have been flooding in for Ms Everard, with flowers left at the scene near woodland in Kent.

A tribute reads: "From women everywhere, we hope to change the world. All our love x x x x x x."

Another says: "Sarah Everard we send our love and prayers. We will always remember you."

A vigil is also being planned on Saturday evening in Clapham Common in south London close to where Ms Everard went missing. 

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